The conference fee for authors and participants is 150,00 EUR (300,00 BAM), including members of the Scientific Committee, and session chairmen.
The conference fee includes the following: a copy of conference proceedings and accompanying materials, admission to all sessions and presentations, refreshments, and welcome drink.
Upute za plaćanje kotizacije za učesnike iz Bosne i Hercegovine:
Kotizacija za učesnike iz Bosne i Hercegovine uplaćuje se kao javni prihod:
Iznos: 300,00 KM
Svrha uplate: ime i prezime, kotizacija za Quality 2025
Primalac: JRT Trezor ZDK, Kučukovići 2, 72000 Zenica
Banka: ASA banka d.d.Sarajevo
Račun primaoca: 1340100000001672
Broj poreznog obveznika: za pojedince JMBG, za firme ID broj
Vrsta prihoda: 722653
Općina: 103
Budžetska organizacija: 2204010
Poziv na broj: 4390040101 (obavezno upisati prilikom popunjavanja platnog naloga)
Payment instructions (foreign payments):
The conference fee should be paid to:
Amount: 150,00 EUR
Receiver: ASA banka d.d. Sarajevo, Poslovnica Zenica
Bank address: Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1, 72000 Zenica, BiH
Bank Identification Numer (BIC): SWIFT Code: IKBZBA2XXXX
Beneficiary Customer-Name: ZDK Ministry of Finance, University of Zenica
VAT: 4218353660004
IBAN: BA39 134 007 130 001 2018
Note: Quality 2025, paper number Q25-XXX (enter paper number)
Details of Charges: OUR
Correspondent bank:
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. Zagreb / Croatia
Note: Transfer for ZDK Ministry of Finance, University of Zenica, VAT 4218353660004