Danira Zanović, Vildana Mahmutović, Nermin Taletović, Esad Oruč, Goran Prajo (B&H)ecological impact, environmental impact, physio-chemical and biological factors, hydrogeology, hydrological, mining impact, Bukovica river basin
As result of an empirical investigation of numerous ecological and environmental factors, with special focus on spatial, hydrogeological and hydrological conditions, it is demonstrated that there is no possibility of influence of ore exploitation activities on the Rupice mine site to the water supply Bukovica and no impacts on water quality and/or quantity of Bukovica river. In those terms, conducted additional multifield research with exact field methods assessing the potential effects from mining activities to surrounding hydrological system, especially river Bukovica basin and water supply “Bukovica”.
Cite as:
Danira Zanović, Vildana Mahmutović, Nermin Taletović, Esad Oruč, Goran Prajo (2023). Assessing the Potential Effects of Mining Operations at Rupice Mine on the Water Quality and Ecological State of the Bukovica River: An Empirical Investigation. Quality 2023 (S. Jašarević, S. Brdarević, editors), ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, B&H, 19-21 June 2023., pp. 101-106

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