Suad Sućeska (B&H)Electronic service, transportation, quality.
In the world and in the European Union (EU), electronic services have long been used in the transportation business. These services are also being introduced in use in B&H. They bring a number of advantages, some of which are: a significant reduction in the duration of business procedures, a reduction in the costs of carrying out various business procedures in transport business, no usage of paper, rows of transport vehicles at border crossings are shorter. These advantages greatly contribute to the quality of services for all who use them. The use of these electronic services contributes to quality of services and brings them closer to the level of those used in the world and Europe.
Cite as:
Suad Sućeska (2023). Electronic Services in Freight Transport and Quality. Quality 2023 (S. Jašarević, S. Brdarević, editors), ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, B&H, 19-21 June 2023., pp. 207-212

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