Maja Milas (Slovenia)Higher education, Quality Assurance Agencies, Western Balkan, European standards and guidelines (ESG), Agency’s independence, Political influences.
Quality assurance agencies (QA agencies) gained a particular relevance within the Bologna process. In the higher education context, quality assurance is understood as a process important for the quality functioning and constant quality improvement of higher education institutions. Quality assurance includes external quality assessment by QA agencies. They provide evidence to the public about the quality levels attained at higher education institutions. QA agencies have a strong role in monitoring and assessing quality at higher education institutions, including accreditations and evaluations of higher education institutions and study programmes. One of the fundamentals of the quality work of the QA agencies is their independence from third parties, especially ministries and higher education institutions. Obligations to establish independent QA agencies are inspired by considerations of credibility, integrity, professionalism, and trustworthiness. Further on, the need to have independent agencies is rooted in the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). QA agencies in Western Balkan still struggle with establishing autonomous organisational and operational activities. Since 90’s countries of Western Balkan have been undergoing multiple political transformations with complex political, cultural and historical underpinning to be understood. The paper aims to explore key aspects of QA agencies’ independence in Western Balkan. The paper focuses on five main formal areas of independence, namely the appointment of the chief executive of QA agencies, the process of preparing and adopting quality standards, the appointment of experts, the decision-making procedures on the accreditation and evaluation procedures, and appeal procedures. The paper aims to answer why it is necessary to foster the independence of QA agencies to ensure a protective environment for higher education institutions and enhance quality assurance procedures.
Cite as:
Maja Milas (2023). Enhancing Independence of Quality Assurance Agencies in Western Balkan. Quality 2023 (S. Jašarević, S. Brdarević, editors), ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, B&H, 19-21 June 2023., pp. 237-242

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