Emina Kadušić, Nusret Imamović (B&H)ISO 50 001, energy management system, implementation
In the modern world, energy management is becoming an increasingly important topic for both industry and other sectors due to rising energy costs, price fluctuations, and increased sensitivity to environmental impacts. Recognizing the importance of energy for the long-term sustainability of business, organizations can use the ISO 50 001 standard to practically manage and control their energy consumption and costs. This paper will focus on the implementation of an energy management system based on the ISO 50 001 standard in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal of this paper is to analyze the current state of energy management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, identify barriers to implementing energy management systems, and provide guidance for the successful implementation of energy management systems for organizations in accordance with the ISO 50 001 standard. The paper also covers the theoretical basis of energy management system, as well as example of organization that has successfully implemented this standard.
Cite as:
Emina Kadušić, Nusret Imamović (2023). Implementation of the energy management system ISO 50 001 in B&H. Quality 2023 (S. Jašarević, S. Brdarević editors)”, ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, B&H, 19-21 June 2023., pp. 425-430

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