Almir Bijedić, Nusret Imamović, Azrudin Husika (B&H)ESCo, energy service company, energy efficiency, energy performance contract
BiH is utilizing energy in a manner that is both inefficient and illogical as a direct result of years of neglect and inadequate investment in urban infrastructure, public and residential buildings, energy and utility systems, and other similar areas. The most viable long-term answer to this issue is the careful management and conservation of available energy sources. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the ESCo model, including its relevance and the necessity of its involvement in contributing to gains in EE in BiH. It also sheds insight on the challenges associated with execution, given that no initiatives have been carried out in BiH as of yet. This paper describes, introduces, and evaluates the role of such a model in attaining EE measures via a “top-down” or “bottom-up” approach.
Cite as:
Almir Bijedić, Nusret Imamović, Azrudin Husika (2023). ESCO Model in Function of Energy Efficiency (EE). Quality 2023 (S. Jašarević, S. Brdarević editors)”, ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, B&H, 19-21 June 2023., pp. 431-436

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