Hakan Karaçizmeli İzzettin (Turkiye)Quality, quality control, attribute agreement, textile.
When determining the production quality, it is usually necessary to control the product. In some manufacturing operations, these controls can be made automatically. However, some manufacturing operations require visual inspection. In textile manufacturing, visual inspection is usually required to determine the product quality. It is very important that the operators performing these inspections make the right decision and be consistent. In this study, an example of attribute agreement analysis is shared for quality control operators of a textile company manufacturing fabric.
Cite as:
Hakan Karaçizmeli İzzettin (2023). Quality Control in Textile: An Attribute Agreement Analysis. Quality 2023 (S. Jašarević, S. Brdarević, editors), ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, B&H, 19-21 June 2023., pp. 71-74

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