Almaida Gigović-Gekić, Hasan Avdušinović, Mirsada Oruč, Aida Imamović, Amna Hodžić (B&H)austenitic stainless steel, annealing, delta ferrite, secondary phases, sigma phases
The aim of this work is to determinate the temperature start of precipitation of the secondary phases in austenitic stainless steels with delta ferrite. Presence of the delta ferrite in austenitic stainless steel promotes the precipitation of the secondary phases especially carbides and sigma phase whose have effect on quality of steel. The microstructure was characterized after a solution annealing at 1030°C followed by annealing in temperature range from 550 to 1000°C for the time of 30 minutes and cooling in air. Etched samples were observed using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The delta ferrite content was determined by a Feritscope MP30. Analysis of microstructure showed that the first phases precipitate between 550 and 650°C at α/γ boundaries and delta ferrite. Sigma phase starts to precipitate between 650 and 750°C at α/γ boundaries.
Cite as:
Gigović-Gekić A, Avdušinović H, Oruč M, Imamović A and Hodžić A. (2021) The effect of annealing temperature on quality of austenitic stainless steel with delta ferrite. Quality 2021 (S.Brdarević, S. Jašarević, editors)”, ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, B&H, 17-19 June 2021., pp. 77-82

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