Nedjeljko Vukojević, Amna Bajtarević-Jeleč, Vedran Mizdrak (B&H)thick-walled pressure vessel, stress intensity factor, heat affected zone, support conditions, crack-depth ratio
Thick-walled pressure vessels present very demanding constructions in which cracks often occur during exploitation, the rehabilitation of which demands considerable finances. A large number of numerical simulations using the commercial software ANSYS have been carried out for this paper, with the goal of determining the influence of the crack-depth ratio on the stress intensity factor of the observed crack. The aforementioned ratio has been varied, while the crack aspect ratio has been kept constant (a/c=0.5) in all of the simulations. The cracks have been placed into the heat affected zone, i.e. in the vicinity of welded flanges, wherein two support conditions have been taken into account: complete and partial flange fixture. The results obtained through the performed analysis have been presented using diagrams.
Cite as:
Nedjeljko Vukojević, Amna Bajtarević-Jeleč, Vedran Mizdrak (2023). Influence of Crack-Depth Ratio in a Thick-Walled Pressure Vessel on Stress Intensity Factor for Different Support Conditions. Quality 2023 (S. Jašarević, S. Brdarević, editors), ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, B&H, 19-21 June 2023., pp. 87-92

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