Senija Šehanović, Emir Džabegović, Sonja Stančić (B&H)ChatGPT by OpenAI, communication tool, quality in higher education, student assessment, paradigm shift
Advancements in natural language processing offered by ChatGPT by OpenAI have led to its widespread use as a new communication tool in all spheres of life and work. In a short time, ChatGPT has become widely used in higher education too. Students have recognized its ability to generate responses and solve various tasks in their native language. The quick reaction of the youth is positive as it shows that they are keeping up with new technologies, quickly adopting new communication tools that allow them to be more efficient and effective. The widespread use of ChatGPT by students indicates that it has the potential to enhance the quality of higher education. However, research conducted for the purpose of this paper has shown that the use of ChatGPT in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has not yet led to this effect. Rather, results suggest there is a widespread misuse of the tool that undermines the basic principles of higher education which cannot be ignored. This paper aims to investigate the (mis)use of ChatGPT in the considered field with the aim of confirming the need for urgent change in the paradigm of student assessment. Such a paradigm shift should take into consideration novel technological and communication conditions in higher education and protect the integrity and ethics of academic work, making the topic of this paper highly relevant.
Cite as:
Senija Šehanović, Emir Džabegović, Sonja Stančić (2023). The (Mis)Use Of Openai’s CHATGPT as a Novel Comunication Tool in Higher Education and The Imperative for a Paradigm Shift in Student Assessment. Quality 2023 (S. Jašarević, S. Brdarević, editors), ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, B&H, 19-21 June 2023., pp. 305-310

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